Connect With B2B Parts Suppliers Dealers Manufactures Networks

Connecting Manufacturers and Customers in India Philippines

Your Source for OEM, Genuine and Aftermarket Replacement Parts

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Comprehensive B2B Solutions for Suppliers and B2C for Customers

Welcome to Universal Parts Exchange™ for your spare parts needs.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and customers by providing seamless access to hard-to-find parts through our expansive network. With a network spanning 40 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, DRC, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Netherlands and Nigeria, we are dedicated to delivering unparalleled service to customers and support service providers.

In our B2B services, we connect manufacturers and major suppliers with dealers and distributors across the our network. Our robust network ensures that businesses can reach wide markets, enhancing their distribution capabilities and boosting sales. We understand the complexities of the supply chain and are committed to providing reliable and efficient solutions to meet a wide range of your business needs.

For our B2C services, we facilitate B2C transactions, enabling customers to access a vast array of parts from local, regional and international suppliers. Whether you are searching for rare automotive components or specific machinery parts, our operation is designed to help you find exactly what you need.

Whether you are a major manufacturer or local dealer looking to expand your market reach or a customer in search of hard-to-find parts, it is highly likely that Universal Parts Exchange™ already has the solution you are seeking.

For B2B operators, reach us here...

You can also contact us through WhatsApp +254759066198

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